And why google developers are stupid;
Blogger is just as crap with their "new interface" which works less than the "old editor"
You cant stretch images by double clicking anymore, which means if you started with a 450pxwide content area on original template and change the width after, the max size of images will remain as small as they were set for the original small template!. The code or options to change this are not available to the end user, so cannot be changed.
The Google Way: How One Company Is Revolutionizing Management as We Know It
Firstly, writing in this textfield on a google blogger blog i cant even press enter to go to a new line.. google blogger and google chrome dont even recognize a simple keyboard button command! This is something you would perhaps see 20 years ago with the first pcs (not even then actually), and proves one big thing; Google developers dont test their products out to see if they work before releasing them.
That's like cooking without tasting it before you serve it.
A new line ends up with your cursor at the bottom of the post. Autosave goes off every 0 seconds or so and interrupts editing freezing the browser. What avid blogger wishes to have his browser go dead on him in mid typing every minute? baahhhhh..all thosemillions and they cant even design a wysywig to work properly.
The text alignment used to have all three positioning options visible and clickable on the interface. Now they have made it into a drop down menu. This means you have one more step to make between every text alignment, and slows
Anyway lets leave blogger bugs behind and get on to why google chrome is so crap;
The google chrome contact form doesn't work either with google chrome or firefox.
It wont send and keeps asking you to fill in two "radio tabs"(which are drop down menus actually, not radio tabs.. another proof of google not paying attention to what they were doing when they did it).
Also it doesnt load web pages often and gives you a stupid kiddy-like "oops" text.
do they think everyone fromexecutives to gardners like this kind of MTV terminology? Is it supposed to be cute? or simply a product of the fact that the interfaces are designed by stupid kids?
here is the solution given, which doesnt work of course; uncheck the dns prefetching checkbox.
Here is the letter i tried to send to chrome as feedback but could not because their stupid form doesn't work and was therefore obviously just written and released without testing.
read on and weep
Dear Chrome;
first complaint is that this form doesnt work with chrome, (wow you guys are really stupid - you dont even test your scripts with your own browser)!!
Please try to make the cursor able to appear on the right side of a word in google search..clicking on the last letter on right will result in the cursor always appearing at the left of the first letter. - text selection is almost as bad as IE explorer which is crap for webmasters or forum posters who need to edit text using wysywig editors.. try to select three letters and the mouse selects either all the ones you don't want, or at best includes two or three neighboring characters too. Imprecise and buggy! Impossible to use. Facebook and other JS driven pages (meaning almost all pages these days) become unresponsive after 2minutes of idle.
Get a testing team chrome. you have a long way to go yet - dont release it until you try to use it yourself.
Try using it for the following
text selection cut and paste
searching and editing search words in the google search box
editing using blogger wysywig
using facebook and other pages with loads of java in it to blow the local cpu with.
Then you will See how chrome is crap for these functions
The advent of Web2.0 has left servers free of computing server side using php and has thrown the work onto our local cpus using Java, which, because of hundreds of different companies developing web based software apps using varied methods of coding has caused our apps such as browsers or wysywig editors etc to crash and have bugs in. There will be no end to this problem now because;
When a plugin updates the browser cannot adapt to it. Then the browser updates and the plugins dont work anymore
and so on. Updating is a bad idea because the other apps and plugins wont work until theyir developers have adapted the code to newer versions of browser, or whatever the app might be.
I miss the days of php and the absence of JS.. browsers had just started to work well and then they brought out web2.0
it was harder for stuff like facebook,my space etc to take dominance.
And although we use these things, we all know that they represent a worsening of Human quality of living,leaving us all pegged to the screens of some silly app within a social network sending vegetables to each other or cushions or something.
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