Outer Interfacing - Inner Outerfacing

Interfacing is a conceptual word which i never understood until a few years ago. The when i began to program in various code languages,  i realized thet the browsers and programs we use today are designed with an interface, which is the only reson why people who cannot code can do things like work with or watch videos, listen to music, surf the internet and the like. This is because what we see as a browser (With perhaps a nice chromy skin/theme, and  buttons and toolbars.. graphic effects etc), is actually non-existent. I used to think that a browser was this kind of metal window shich i could see on my screen, but that this metal window really existed (old school huh?).
But after becoming more acquainted with programming and beginning to make my first windows program in C++, i realized that it was just virtual data in code which made the PC screen tell which pixels to light up which color etc, and this makes the tools we use on our computers visible and possible to interact with and use as we wish.
This is what we call the 'Interface' meaning it is the facade/control panel/workshop/communicator between the invisible realm (virtual data), and the visible (Graphic visual interface)

This shows that the data which is processed on the pc is like the invisible mind or soul of living beings
And that the visual interface which we percieve on the screen is the projection of that Virtual world in the Visible world.

The truth is that if we see Living Existence and the world of Data Computing as metaphors, then we can perhaps concieve that just as our bodies interact with others (interface) so are our minds (or souls if you believe in one) like the virtual data which can never be directly touched by others, rather only percieved through a 'middle man' (interface) in this case, the human body.
The body and mind themself have also smaller sub interfaces both physical and abstract (tongue, language, sex organs, touch sensors).
Creation, existence and experience require an ever spiralling number of interfaces and sub interfaces to be able to reach into other realms or areas of communication or interaction with other beings in the outside (and perhaps inner) Worlds. Its like a stepping stone thing which goes one invention, evolutionary development, adaptation or invention at a time stepping forward one step at a time until reaching the area desired to reach.

Evolution works like that
Computing works like that too - Binary for Bios to boot the Windows systeem, then windows was just a data and numbers. These numbers were used to make patterns and define languages
 these languages were incremented and developed to be able to work with other virtual data such as image data and graphis display data
this data was then processed to display visual effects on a screen
 after this, not only programmers were able to communicate with and perform operations on a computer, rather any tom dick or harry could using an easy to use toolbar which although he may be oblivious to the fact, are not actually buttons which make something move inside the pc, rather are just imaginary receptors for the commands which they recieve (through clicking with the cursor - which is also an imaginary picture of invisible data). These commands are pure coded data which is in fact also imaginary and controlled by self defined laws and rules which allow it or prevent it to make certain operations.
We are virtual, within another virtuality, interfacing with other virtual worlds within other virtualities
 One day we will prove that Matter does not really exist. But first we shall have to redefine what our wirld is and how we got to think we are really here.

Everybody who knows, knows this is nowhere

Stepping stones - creation is like this. To cross a river with a pile of boulders, you must firts bring one boulder to the riverside and throw it in.. thats one step across, but not enough to get there. The second step you achieve by first going back to the bank of the river and fetching another stone, hopping with it across to the first stone you placed in the river, and then throwing this second stone in to reach a bit further across.
And so on.. always having to take one step backwards, but the forward steps always increas by one each time.
Two steps forward one step backwards. Its like creating windows using a bios
Creation is like this - Existence is like this
We work just like a computer world works, because this is cosmic law of creation and cannot be any other way
 This is what we would call a Dhamma because it was true before, is now and always will be true.
I wonder who can see these invisible facts, and who thinks i am a raving lunatic?
The Human brain is like an embryo within the human body. We never really step outside our own Virtual Universe, and in fact only use virtual interfaces contained within a physical receptacle which is in fact just as inanimate as a remote control pc or the like