Magick is Real - Magick is an Illusion
Magick.. Dtawng Prung Dtaeng.. said Choo Dech the Thai Ruesi ;
'Prung Dtaeng', means 'to conditon, add spices and flavour to, decorate.. or the like.
It refers to the construction of conditioned thought forms (visualization), in order to focus, materialize and Manifest an ethereal 'not-yet-real(ized)' thought or abstract intention, until it becomes Manifest through the power of ones concentration and powers of Visualization.
This means in Reality, that all forms of magic are only the results of conditioned though, which is in Nature Illusory.
Therefore, if one can use illusory conditioned thought to Manifest things at will, then Magick is Real, for the results say so.
But if all Conditoned things are Illusory, then both the Conditioned thoughts used to construct and Manifest the Spell, as well as the results of that Spell are therefore Illusory and Unreal.
As Alaister Crowley said in the Book of Lies;
'Everything in this Book is a Lie - This, is a lie in Itself!
The most probable thing of all is that there Never was Anything in Space and Time
That Nothing was Everything
And Everything was Nothing
But there IS Everything here - filling Infinite Space with Infinite Matter
In the first Moment - Everything cannot Be, and is Not. (DC)
In the Alternating Moment, the Nothing becomes all that is (Everything), and All comes into Being, and IS. (AC)
In the Blinking of an Eye
The Blinking of an Eye
The Flicker of a Candle Flame
On and Off
The passing of Every day, the Ritual of awakening and sleeping - an Endless Onslaught of Never Ending repetiton..
We never Advance further than what we have Achieved ton this Day, this Moment
There is no Tomorrow
And Yesterday is but a Memory
As is Everything (that word again..)
If we Look into our Hearts and Minds (heart meaning our intentions, moods and aversions, inclinations) and watch these Phenomena Arise, Stand, and then Fall into Entropy one after another in Endless Sequence of Interminable Succession, we can attain the Dominance over the Inner Powers (Thought and Emotion), and Liberate ourselves from Slavery to the pursuit of Fulfilling the Mindless Elements of the Human Psyche ('fetches' or wraiths' in Western Occultism), known as the Maras, or the Kilesas (Maras are Demons, but the Demons are the Kilesas, which means the Base Desires).
Most of us simply chase after fulfilling the cravings of these Base Desires, which are Not Self and are Mistaken by Normal Humans as being the Self. One is not fulfilling the Self when chasing after Satiating these Desires. When the craving for something comes, that hot sticky bothered feeling (until satiated), is not the Self that is Bothered, it is the Kilesas which are bothered.
We mistakenly feed the Kilesas and give them ever more power over us with the repetition of feeding them time after time again.
Watching the Heart in Realtime (The Present Moment)
Is being Awake
Being Awake
Is Being really and Truly Living
and Non-Existent
Beyond Explanation
Beyond Theory
Beyond Faith
Beyond Description
Beyond Beyond
Beyond Beyond Beyond
Beyond even Conceiving of that, which Can be gone Beyond
Watching myself
I Conclude
There is no Self
And right there in that moment (or is it a place?)
I Find Myself Waiting
To Find Myself
Waiting for Me to Find Myself